'Lost Plot' - group show by Jack Teagle, Liam Barrett, Rose Robbins and Simon Daly
Preview Thursday 6th September 7-9pm https://www.facebook.com/events/306289422802840/
A freak tidalwave has left the contents of a nonexistent attic washed up on the gallery walls...
Four artists based in the south west of England take over Here Gallery . Together they have created a parallel culture, fragments of stories and illustrated memorabilia that combine elements of the familiar and unfamiliar.Jack Teagle is a freelance illustrator, comic artist and painter, his most recent comic "Fight 2!" was published by Nobrow Press. Jack joined forces with fellow illustrator Liam Barrett earlier this year, to exhibit as part of the Pick Me Up graphic arts fair held at Somerset House, London.
Rose Robbins self-publishes comics as one half of Often and Mistakes, she was recently awarded "Best New Blood" at D&AD 2012. Simon Daly has also self-published his comics, including fantastical tales of electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire. Simon's experience in a variety of filmmaking roles, from music videos to software development, has led to collaborations with several artists, most recently assisting Liam and Rose in animating their work.
Liam Barrett
Rose Robbins
Simon Daly
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