Tom Cops - 'Midwest' exhibition and book launchMidwest is the first solo exhibition from photographer, musician and artist
Tom Cops, showing medium format photographs of people and places in the American Midwest.

In August 2010, Tom travelled around the American Midwest for three weeks with his band My Two Toms playing as many inappropriate venues as possible. During the tour he attempted to photograph everyone he met, as well as the places he passed through.
Looking for odd details in the landscape, his colour photographs tell the story of the small towns of Montana, Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming, while his black & white portraits tell us about the people that live there.
To accompany the exhibition,
Betty & Dupree will be publishing a collection of these photographs, also called “MIDWEST”, with a foreword by acclaimed Minnesotan blues musician Charlie Parr and watercolour chapter pages by Jerwood Drawing Prize nominated artist Aaron Sewards.
The exhibition opens Thursday 27th October, 7-9pm, with live music from My Two Toms,
and continues until 19th November.
This also coincides with a two night residency from Charlie Parr at the Cube Microplex:
CHARLIE PARR with support from My Two Toms
Cube Microplex, Dove Street, Bristol
Sat 5th + Sun 6th November,2011
8pm, advance tickets £9.00 (+booking fee) per night