Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Between The Lines

a group show combining photography and drawing,
with Evi Lemberger, Claire Downes, Tom Stuart & Olia Karamenova.
26th - 31st July

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Sarah Dennis

'Catching the Big Fish'

Sarah’s work invokes a feel of story tale innocence with a contemporary twist. The exhibition will be whimsical journey from the fox's perspective takes you though the sea and into the mountains.

Original artworks, limited edition prints, cards, toys, badges and zines will be for sale.

Preview Monday 19th July, 6.30 - 9.30pm.
Exhibition continues until Saturday 24th July.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

A Fox Among Hedgehogs

This exhibition by Harry Waine is show of two halves:

Suggestion Box, a series of small paintings of creatures (common, endangered, extinct and fictitious) as suggested by friends, family and strangers via his blog The Paper Stacks.

Encounters involves paintings and a sculpture of situations inspired by life, death, nature, humanity, truth, lies and wonder.

Exhibition dates: 6th July - 17th July. The artist will in attendance on Saturday 10th July dispensing goody-bags and conversation from 2pm.