Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Lydia Shirreff - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

Lydia Shirreff is British/Japanese artist living in the UK - focusing on illustration but also installation and sculpture.

“My passion is knowledge. I am endlessly curious about the shape and form of naturally occurring objects: animal, vegetable or mineral. My work so far has been concerned with studying and interpreting natural patterns and forms - I treat my practice as an ongoing documentation of nature.”

Lydia’s drawing creates an outlet for this insatiable fascination. The outcome is largely unplanned and encompasses natural history, geology, fossils, structural dynamics and scientific diagrams. The objects and patterns that inhabit these drawings aren’t copies, they are detailed studies, distillations, extracts of what she finds most interesting.

“I have created installations (a collection of polyhedral objects ) that take this idea further and examine the exploratory response that viewing art and viewing natural history have in common. Through these installations and drawings I am attempting to pass on my own wonder as well as create new experiences.”

Preview Thursday 20th January, 7.00 - 9.00pm
Exhibition open continues until 12th February

