Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Curated by The Outcrowd Collective (Simon Peplow, Lawrence Roper, Marcus Oakley, Holly Wales), The Joyful Bewilderment is an international group exhibition showcasing the outpourings of over 100 like-minded image-makers, including:
Ben Newman, Christopher Bettig, Cornelia O’Donovan, French, Holly Stevenson, James Jarvis, Josh Petherick, Lucy Mclauchlan, Marcus Oakley, Matthew Feyld, Mike Perry, Nigel Peake, Rob Ryan, Ryan Jacob Smith, Steven Harrington, Stuart Kolakovic, Simon Peplow, Supermundane...

Preview: Tuesday 7th July, 7.00 - 9.00pm

continues Wednesday 8th July - Saturday 29th August 2009

Admission free

For further details, download the Press Release, or visit www.joyfulbewilderment.blogspot.com

The Joyful Bewilderment - flyer
